23 – 26 May 2019

[DP]means that the penalty for a breach of that rule will be at the discretion of the Protest Committee and may be less than disqualification.



The regatta is organised by Varna Municipality and yacht club BAVARIA YACHTS, with the cooperation of LZ Yachting 1991.

  1. RULES

2.1    The “Rules” as defined in Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) of the World Sailing 2017-2020

2.2    The following rules will also apply:

–    The World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations 2019 (OSR) – Appendix B – Inshore races;

–    The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS);

–    2019 ORC / IRC Rules.

2.3    No national authority prescriptions will apply.

2.4    The official language of the event will be English.

2.5    If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.

2.6    If there is a conflict between this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions and their amendments will take precedence. This changes RRS 63.7.


The World Sailing Advertising Code (Regulation 20) will apply. The boats shall display the advertising materials, supplied by the Organising Authority (hull stickers and flags).


4.1    The regatta will be conducted under ORC and IRC handicap systems.

4.2    All boats shall hold valid ORC or IRC rating certificates.

4.3    Classes shall be determined by the Race Committee and this shall not be grounds for request for redress.

4.4    Not less than 4 boats will form a class.


5.1    There will be entry fee 10 leva per person for boats entered before 24 May.

5.2    Boats entered on 24 May will be charged a late entry fee of €15/BGN 30.

  1. ENTRY

6.1    Online preliminary entries will be accepted until 17:00 (local) hrs. on 22 May 2019 on

6.2    Entries on the venue will be accepted on 23 May from 10:00 until 19:00 hrs. at the Race Office.

6.3    Late entries- 07.00 – 08.45 hrs. on 24 May.

6.4    In addition to the completed entry form, each boat shall present at the Race office:

–    Boat sailing permit, valid for2019.

–    Valid skipper competence certificate.

–    ORC/IRC rating certificate, valid for 2019 – for all boats inORC/IRCclasses*

–    Insurance policy for the whole crew– minimal coverage €1000 per person.

–    Third-party insurance policy- minimal coverage €10 000.

* This changes RRS 78.2.


Thursday, 23 May 2019

10:00 – 19:00  Submission of entries at the Race Office

(Yacht Club Bavaria Yachts – Varna Passenger Terminal);

15:00               Pro-Am Race in front of Varna Seaside Park;

Friday, 24 May 2019

7:00-8:45      Submission of late entries at the Race Office;

9:30               Skipper briefing(at Race Office);

11:00               Races in Varna bay;

Saturday, 25 May 2019

10:00               Races via the Channel;

Sunday, 26 May 2019

10:00               Races in Varna bay;

17:00               Prize giving and closing ceremony.

The times of warning signals will be as follows:

Thursday           14:55

Friday               10:55

Saturday           9:55

Sunday             9:55


9.1    Each boat shall be available for inspection in the period 12:00 – 19:00 hrs. on 23 May 2019.

9.2    During the event, before and/or after each race spot inspections may be carried out on boats chosen by the Race Committee.



         The Sailing Instructions will be supplied when entering the boat.



11.1  The race courses will be set in Varna bay and in the lake via the Channel and will be shown in Appendix 1 to the Sailing instructions.

11.2  Depending on weather conditions or other circumstances, the racecourses may be changed at the discretion of the Principal Race Officer. Such changes will be announced by Amendments to the Sailing instructions.



12.1  For ORC classes – according to corrected times as follows:

–    Races in the bay– under the system “Time on Time”;

–    Races in the lake via the channel – under the system “Time on Distance”.

12.2  For IRC classes –according to corrected times under the system “Time on Time”.

12.3  When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.

12.4  When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

12.5  When only one race via the channel has been completed, the race score for that race will not be excluded.

12.6  The race coefficients for each race will be stated in the Sailing instructions.


From 9:00 hrs. on 24 May 2019 until the end of the event no boats shall be hauled out of the water, except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the Technical Committee. If hauled out, no cleaning and polishing of the underwater part of the boat’s hull is allowed.


14.1  All boats shall have a VHF radio on board. During the event, constant communication will be maintained on VHF Channel 73.

14.2  Presence of mobile phones and the use of Tracking race Qs on board are recommended.


15.1  In classes with more than 4 boats the first 3 boats overall will be awarded prizes.

15.2  In classes with only 4 boats the first 2 boats will be awarded prizes.


16.1. Competitors participate in the regatta entirely on their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to race. Skippers bear the responsibility for crew members underage.

16.2. The OrganisingAuthority and any person involved in organising and conducting the regatta will not accept any liability for losses, material damage, personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, or prior, during or after the regatta.

16.3. Competitors shall observe the RRS, the Notice of Race and the Sailing instructions. The competitors are solely responsible for the seaworthiness, spars, rigging, sails, safety equipment of their boats, as well as the training and skills of their crews. Skippers are responsible for the behaviour and clothing of their crews, representatives and guests.

  1. [DP] SAFETY

17.1  All boats shall have properly functioning navigation lights and shall comply with the requirements of the Maritime authorities for the respective regatta courses.

17.2  All competing boats shall carry at least the minimum safety equipment, according to OSR 2019 Appendix B – Inshore races. Skippers will be required to sign declarations to that effect.

Minimum safety equipment(OSR 2019 – Appendix B – Inshore races)

1 One strong bucket with a lanyard and of at least 9 l capacity
2 One compass (a handheld is acceptable)
3 One fire extinguisher, if an electrical system, engine or cooking stove are present on board.
4 One anchor
5 One lifebuoy with a drogue
6 One heaving line 15-25m, no less than 6 mm diameter, ready access to the cockpit.
7 One sturdy and sharp knife in a sheath, securely attached and readily accessible from the deck and the cockpit.
8 Each crew member shall have a personal flotation device which shall be equipped with a whistle and be clearly marked with yacht’s or wearer’s name. If inflatable, regularly checked for air retention. Unless otherwise specified by the Class rules or Sailing instructions, it shall have at least 150N buoyancy, ensuring that an unconscious person will be held with a face above the water and with a body position at 45 degrees to the water surface.

Berthing of boats during the event will be free.


The social programme will be available during the entry procedure.


By entering the event, all participants automatically grants to the Organizing Authority the right in perpetuity, to make, use and show, from time to time and at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or film television and other reproductions of him/her during the period of competition in which the competitor participates and in all material related to the said Event without compensation.


Lachezar Bratoev

Mobile phone:+359 88 5099999


Additional information:

  • Weather forecast;
  • Supply of food, fuel, spare parts, repairs and berthing;

Person to contact: George Dimitrov, mobile phone +359 88 2925863.


All times in the Notice of Race are according to Bulgarian local summer time (GMT +3 часа).

Organising Authority


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